
About toothtruth

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So far toothtruth has created 153 blog entries.

Philadelphia family hit with $2,500 surprise bill for dental anesthesia

By |2019-07-29T13:32:50-04:00July 29th, 2019|insurance|

At 15, it was time for Maili McGraw to get rid of the two stubborn baby teeth that were preventing full-sized canine teeth from growing in. The oral surgeon scheduled the extraction, as well as removal of Maili’s four wisdom teeth at Nazareth Hospital, near the family’s home in Northeast Philadelphia, in early March. Maili’s

Dental visits start declining as people get older — and there’s a painful price to pay

By |2019-07-26T09:10:51-04:00July 25th, 2019|seniors|

U.S. adults are less likely to visit the dentist around age 80, according to new research. And that trend that could have far-reaching health and economic consequences. The study, published in the journal Research on Aging, analyzed the use of dental services among adults aged 50 and older using five waves of the University of

WSJ: AI Can Lead to Lower Dentist Bills

By |2019-07-16T14:29:40-04:00July 16th, 2019|AI, News|

Companies that provide business support to dentists are starting to use artificial intelligence to analyze X-ray images and automate certain steps in common procedures, pointing to the technology’s cost-cutting potential. Dental support organizations don’t get involved in patient care but they can take care of everything from accounting to tax preparation for dental practices that

For Most Seniors, Oral Health Goes Uncovered: Without insurance, dental care can take a bite out of fixed incomes

By |2019-07-10T13:46:03-04:00July 10th, 2019|seniors|

If you’re over sixty-five, chances are better than two-to-one you don’t have dental insurance. According to a report [PDF] released in May by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 29.2 percent of American seniors had dental insurance as of 2017. And, according to the CDC, those who are over seventy-five, black, Hispanic, or

Quip, an Instagram-Friendly Toothbrush Company, Is Going After the Dental Insurance Industry

By |2019-07-10T13:42:52-04:00July 9th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Quip, an online subscription platform that ships dental supplies to consumers, is expanding its service to help members book professional care for their mouths. Called Quipcare, the app-based platform allows those using the company’s service to browse nearby options at set rates, pay for their care and manage treatment notes or reminders. These visits, according

Not on my watch! A Warning about DIY

By |2019-06-26T13:15:21-04:00June 26th, 2019|Uncategorized|

A 26-YEAR-OLD FEMALE PRESENTS for a new-patient exam. She had already been seen for a limited exam and subsequent extraction of a wisdom tooth. She was diagnosed with generalized Class II periodontal disease and multiple restorative needs, including gross apple-core and interproximal caries. It is highly likely that several teeth will end up needing crowns

Often lost in health care debate, lack of dental insurance impacts millions

By |2019-06-21T14:37:08-04:00June 21st, 2019|Uncategorized|

The severe pain struck when Christian Ortega’s lower left molars decayed, causing one molar to break. The pain was so bad that one day he had to skip his shift as a cook. Lacking dental insurance, Ortega had previously scheduled an appointment at a Western Dental office, where he says the quote he was given

How Fixing Your Teeth Can Fix Your Face

By |2019-06-13T16:43:17-04:00June 11th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Our thoughts on teeth and aging typically begin and end at color. A white smile is youthful, so we bleach our teeth. But there’s a wide world of so-called anti-aging dental interventions out there. With orthodontics and restorations, dentists can often manipulate the size, shape and arrangement of teeth to subtract years from a face.

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